Thursday, October 14, 2010

hello again blog

its been a long time.
there are a whole lot of life changing things in the works in my life. so i've been thinking a lot about God's plan and he works it all out. the insane complexities of perfectly orchestrating millions and millions of lives blows my mind.
i am a big fan of the tv show Fringe and one of the last episodes "the plateau" was kind of about that. they are chasing a guy whose intelligence is so advanced that he can predict how how things will happen and even cause huge chain reactions through small acts.
it reminds me of God who can do that with everyone at once. and not only does He do it but he does it "for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28) how crazy is it that God does that in our lives.
another part of the guy's ability was that in order to predict he had to observe them and collect data. God doesn't even have to do that. He created us and knows us even better than we know ourselves.
God has a plan and it is a good plan and it is so good to rest in that.
a C.S. Lewis quote from twitter the other day:
"There seems no plan because it is all plan."

check out the episode on hulu

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